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First of all, we get it, running your own business can be stressful! So many things to do, so many ideas, but so little time!

Remember, every single business owner has gone through the ‘pulling your hair out’ stage at some point or another. So you’re not alone. Your business is your baby, you want it to succeed. You put time, thought, energy, blood, sweat, tears and sleepless nights into it. It’s almost like a third arm, it’s a part of you and you want it to work. 

But we’re here to tell you that you can still achieve everything you desire for your business to thrive, without the stress! In fact, stress hinders your productivity, kills creativity and overall, can leave you feeling uninspired and unmotivated. 

Have A Morning Practise 

We can’t stress enough how important it is to have a morning practise. How you start the day is everything.

There will be different practises that resonate with different people but one of the best ways to start your day is with breathing practise. There are plenty of free apps available that provide guided meditations to help you focus on your breathing. There are many scientific studies that show how beneficial meditation is for running your own business. A simple breathing practise can bring clarity, relaxation, a sense of ease and wellbeing and enhance your creativity and productivity dramatically – the benefits are endless! 

Another way to start the day is read out affirmations that you’ve written about how you would like the day to go and how you would like to feel. Try writing your own or try some of ours…

  • I have the ability to adapt to changes as they occur with ease
  • I am confident in my ability to make my business succeed
  • Obstacles and challenges strengthen me
  • Every day I am improving
  • I release pessimism and doubt about achieving my goals
  • There is an opportunity in everything that presents itself to me
  • I love what I do and know that everything I desire is available to me
  • Every day I am growing and feeling more confident in myself
  • I know that I can do anything I put my mind to

Some people are skeptical of affirmations. They simply don’t believe that repeating words can make any difference at all, but oh how wrong they are. In fact, scientific research shows that by repeating certain positive words and phrases you create and strengthen key neural pathways related to self-worth and taking positive action. So over time you can completely change your belief system and pattern of thinking and, therefore, begin creating the life you’ve always wanted. Telling yourself what you want and the person you want to be is one of the most powerful ways to shape your future and your fortune. 

Another great thing to do in the morning is to have a physical morning practise such as some light stretching, a short jog, a brisk walk round the block, or even a dance to your favourite tune. Some kind of bodily activity is a great way to increase your productivity and energy levels. 

Write To-do Lists

We know, writing to-do lists seems like a tedious task, but we promise you it’s the one of the best ways to give your brain a rest. Your brain wants and needs structure. Otherwise it’s a big fat mess.

At the beginning of each week, write a list of what you feel you can realistically get done. This is a chance to really look at what’s top of your priority list. Do what’s most important at the beginning of the week and what’s less important towards the end. And can some things wait until next week? Or even next month? 

Of course, some ideas are so powerful, impulsive and exciting that you just have to act on them straight away. In which case, get into your creative bubble and write down systematically how you can take this idea from thought to reality. Sometimes the quicker you act on an idea the better, so you don’t begin killing it with your doubt. 

If you want to get super organised then you can even write a daily to-do list. At the beginning of the day write down everything that must get done within that day and even write time slots next to them, ticking them off as you complete them.

You will feel like a great sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. It is super important for running your own business.  

Take Regular Breaks

While you’re writing your list for the day, make sure you schedule breaks. We meet a lot of people that say, “I don’t have time for breaks, I have too much to do”, but the thing is, you can’t afford not to have a break. A break literally helps you recalibrate, create space, feel calmer and therefore, you can get more done and do it more efficiently. 

Now when we say break, we don’t mean flick through your facebook or instagram news feed. We literally mean take a break – from that busy mind. Go for a walk, listen to some music or just sit on the sofa and do absolutely nothing for half an hour. And then when you come back to running your own business again, you will feel fresher, clearer and motivated again.

Remember Your ‘Why’

Remember when the first idea about starting your business came to you? How excited you felt? Tune in to that feeling. Continually. 

Remembering why you started running your own business in the first place is important for keeping it alive. 

Bringing back the love and passion for why you’re doing what you’re doing is the best motivator. Be motivated by excitement, not stress.

A good thing to do is to write down reasons why you started your business in the first place, why you love what you’re doing and what value you feel it’s bringing to people.

As Simon Sinek says in his Ted Talk, “Start with Why” –

 “People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it”

People buy people, not necessarily the product or service you’re selling. So staying true to why you’re doing what you’re doing is what will truly soar you to success. 

You’ve Got This!

Remember, you’re not a robot. You can only do so much.  Know your limits. You can’t do everything at once. Do one thing at a time and stay focused on what you’re doing. 

As your business grows new challenges will surely arise, but that’s part of the fun. Try not worry as everything will naturally fall into place.

Running your own business can and should be enjoyable. As soon as it becomes a chore, then something’s out of whack. 

You’ve got this!

We’re here to help, if you’d like any advice on any of your digital marketing, or workload, contact us here.