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Link building on websites seems to be the main topic of conversation with our clients at the moment. Why? Because it’s one of the best ways to drive traffic to your website and increase your site’s authority. 

Simply put, link building on websites is the process of getting other websites to link back to your website. Even though you have good quality content that search engines can understand, it doesn’t mean it’ll rank. For google to recognise your website as a good quality resource, you need to provide links from other websites – the more links the better!

In fact, Google has confirmed that link building on websites, along with good quality content, are two of the most important ranking factors for SEO. 

“In general, webmasters can improve the rank of their sites by increasing the number of high-quality sites that link to their pages.” – Google.

But not all links are the same

The quality of the links are very important. A link from an authoritative, well known website will have a far greater impact on your rankings than a link from a small or newly built website that nobody’s heard of. 

But link building isn’t always easy. So we want to give you some useful tips on different ways to attract high quality links to your website in a quick, easy way!


Testimonials are a great way to include backlinks to your website. You can either reach out to other similar brands and offer testimonials of their product/service, or ask relevant bloggers or influencers in your industry with a large following to review your product/service. 

Before reaching out and offering a testimonial to influential brands, write a list of all the websites relevant to your niche, that you could provide a testimonial for. Make sure that each website has a testimonials page and that you are using or have used the product or service they are offering. 

Now create your pitch. Introduce yourself, tell them how their product or service has helped you and ask if you could put a testimonial together for them. Voila! 

When reaching out to popular influencers, introduce yourself and show that you understand who they are and who their audience is. Although it’s tempting to send the same pitch to every influencer, it will not work in your favour, as most influencers will auto delete generic messages. So get personal with each influencer and show them why they need to try your product.

Remember, links from sites that are in the same industry as you will have a far greater impact than unrelated sites. 

Use internal links

There’s an even easier way to build links and improve your website rankings. And it’s a method that you have complete control over: Internal link building!

Internal links really help your SEO by helping Google: discover new content, rank your content and direct traffic to high converting pages.

When attempting to boost rankings to your website with internal links, there’s a couple of things to consider:

  • Anchor Text – This is a text you click that moves you from one internet destination to another, anchoring two different internet locations together. What search engines take into account when ranking a page, is the actual text a linking page uses to talk about your content. So it’s important the text you choose tells the reader what to expect when they click the link. Essentially, an anchor word is a promise of what is on the other side of the link click, so the text must be highly relevant.
  • Quality of the linking page – As we said earlier, links from high-quality trusted pages have a greater impact on boosting rankings than links from un-trustworthy sources.

You can set up a system to build internal links by utilising the keyword research tool to suggest keywords that are relevant and popular. Then you can assign your chosen keywords to your content. The final step is to link pages using targeted anchor text; you do this by linking content using the keywords you’ve discovered. 

Links within your own web pages

The simplest way to utilise internal link building, is to link to pages within your own site. Every time you publish an article or webpage be sure to add internal links from old content to new content and vice versa. The more you practise using internal links, the stronger your page rankings will be. 

If you would like anymore information on how link building on websites can help your business, please contact us.